How Bad is Eating Meat?

Jeff Justice

11 a.m., October 13, 2019

By now, most of us are used to the idea that global warning is caused by human-generated carbon emissions. Many of us drive electric cars and have solar panels to reduce our carbon footprint.

But how about the effects of animal agriculture? After all, the biomass of all cows, goats, pigs, and chickens is much greater than the biomass of humans. Over half of farmland is planted to produce animal feed.

In this talk, Humanist Community member Jeff Justice will discuss this question while avoiding the question of whether it is ethical to eat animals. He is not a vegetarian. He may quickly touch on the health aspects of eating animals.

This talk was inspired by the 90-minute documentary “Cowspiracy”, which is now available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and YouTube. Jeff Justice invites you to view the video ahead of time.

After the Forum, please join us for a lunch at 12:30pm. The lunch is complimentary for first-time visitors and students.

Because of the topic of the talk today, the buffet lunch will feature some meatless dishes for attendees to sample if they wish.

How Bad is Eating Meat? – Jeff Justice from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

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