An Atheist Album

Shelley Segal: Atheist, Humanist, Secular Singer

August 12, 2012

Shelley Segal

Segal, an Australia-based singer-songwriter, will  discuss and sing songs from her latest release, An Atheist Album, at She became involved in secular activism over two years ago,  despite her father being the president of a local synagogue. Her songs are a passionate response to dogmatic belief, inequality, religious oppression and the idea that only the devout can be grateful and good.  She enjoys bringing these controversial topics to public discourse and finds music to be an effective medium for expression and raising awareness.

In addition to her music Shelley told fascinating stories about secularism in Australia and about the history of each of her songs.   She said she was inspired by many people including Christopher Hitchens and his famous quote, “Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.”   She has been supportive of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and of Maryam Narmazie who is active in support of women’s rights in Islamic Societies and particularly in Iran which is where she was born.  Shelley was assisted in her performance by Andrew Robertson.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-08-12): An Atheist Album (Shelley Segal) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


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