The Evolution of Morality

Dr. Ron Garret

August 9, 2015

Evolution optimizes for only one thing: reproductive fitness. How then can we account for the existence of altruism in nature? This question puzzled scientists and philosophers alike for over 100 years since Darwin first published Origin of Species. It was answered in the mid 1980’s by Robert Axelrod, who is in the opinion of the speaker the most important scientist no one has ever heard of. This talk will describe Axelrod’s work on how Darwinian evolution produces altruism and other moral behaviors.

Ron Garret holds a Ph.D. in computer science, and writes a blog ( covering a wide variety of topics ranging from game theory to quantum mechanics.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-08-09): The Evolution of Morality (Dr. Ron Garret) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


What Happens when Computers are Smarter than Humans?

Marc Perkel

August 2, 2015

Longtime Humanist Community member, and Board member, Marc Perkel will discuss his following beliefs and questions: If humanity ever invents Artificial Intelligence that is smarter than we are, it will be the last thing we’ll ever invent. That’s because the AI will do the inventing far faster than we ever could. This raises a lot of philosophical questions. When will AI be smarter than us? Sooner than you think!

What will it be like to not be the smartest species on the planet? Will the robots kill us off? What values will we teach AI to get it started? Why should humanity continue to exist once we create a superior species. Will we be able to pull the plug on it – or will it be able to pull the plug on us? Is Humanism limited to just humans? Do we need Religion for Robots? Shouldn’t we answer these questions BEFORE we create the AI?

Humanist Community Forum (2015-08-02): What Happens when Computers are Smarter than Humans? (Marc Perkel) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Herding Cats and Teaching Science: What I Learned About the Reluctance to Embrace Life, the Universe, and Everything

Dan Pemberton

July 26, 2015

When Dan Pemberton began his work with secular student groups, he expected to see a battle for science literacy with clean lines of science advocates vs. religious fundamentalists. He quickly learned that there were far more powerful forces at work that subvert education and devalue science. What’s more, he learned that the reasons for the rejection of science are largely unknown by advocates of scientific literacy.

Dan Pemberton is the Secular Student Alliance ( Southwest Regional Campus Organizer. He was President of the SSA at Sacramento State University, and loves all things technology, grilled cheese, Legos, podcasts, and hammocks.

Dan’s passion is for everyone to become a better critical thinker, no matter their religion.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-07-26): Herding Cats and Teaching Science (Dan Pemberton) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


If Not Here, then Where? The Raise the Wage Movement in Silicon Valley

Gail Nyhan and Dr. Meghan Fraley

July 19, 2015

Gail Nyhan and Dr. Meghan Fraley, activists with the Raise the Wage Coalition and Politically Inspired Action, will discuss the progress and next steps of raising the wage here in the heart of innovation and wealth — Silicon Valley.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-07-19): The Raise the Wage Movement in Silicon Valley from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


InStove Update: Cookstoves for the World’s Poorest Communities

Fred Colgan (Co-founder of InStove)

July 12, 2015

InStove ( implements safe, clean, and highly efficient institutional cookstoves and allied technologies in an integrated approach to serving the world’s poorest communities. InStove technologies are now in service in 27 countries, including 17 in sub-Saharan Africa where they mitigate environmental harm, protect and feed women, children and displaced people, and help communities to be self-sustaining and economically independent. Fred Colgan, co-founder of InStove, will discuss InStove’s progress and current projects in this update to his April 21, 2013 Forum presentation.

Humanist Community Forum (2015-07-12): InStove Update – Cookstoves for the World’s Poorest Communities (Fred Colgan) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.