- on this page, go to info about:
- HCSV (Humanist Community of Silicon Valley)
- the philosophy of Humanism
- AHA (American Humanist Association)
Humanist Community (of Silicon Valley)
######## WHAT/WHERE ######## />
- What are we and where are we? ######## CONTACT US ######## />
- to contact us:
- voice mail: 650-964-7576
- e-mail: infohcsv@gmail.com
- mailing address:Humanist Community
P O Box 60069
Palo Alto, CA 94306-0069
######## JOINING US ######## />
- joining us, and other donations (---- not ready yet) ######## SERVICES ######## />
- We provide a few services to our members only, and a few to anyone.
- For members, we have 3 libraries of books, videos, etc.
- For anyone, we provide:
Humanist celebrants, legally qualified to officiate at ceremonies such as weddings, newborn namings, and memorials (funerals).
The Science of Ethics, Arthur Jackson’s predecessor to his How to Live the Good Life (available commercially).
######## OPINIONS=POSITIONS ######## />
- We have no dogma, but on our positions page (being revised) we show social positions on which we believe a majority of our membership agree. ######## BRANCH GROUPS ######## />
- Branch groups (largely independent) ######## BYLAWS ######## />
- Members may be interested in our bylaws. ######## HISTORY ######## />
- A VERY BRIEF HISTORY OF THE HC: The HC was incorporated in 1962 as The Humanist Community of San Jose, a 501(c)(3) entity under the laws of the State of California. As it grew to serve a greater area, it changed its legal name to Humanist Community. Although our legal name is still the Humanist Community, we find it clarifying to use the name Humanist Community of Silicon Valley. In 1990, as the result of a five-year grant, we hired a professional executive director and started weekly meetings. From then through 1999 we met every Sunday at Stanford University. Then stricter University rules compelled us to seek another meeting place. Since then we have found various meeting places in Palo Alto.
the philosophy of Humanism
- a selected dictionary definition of Humanism (---- not ready yet)
- a summary extracted from the works of Corliss Lamont
- a Humanist Creed, by Peter & Catherine Bishop
- a poem of musing, Just Who Am I? by Dennis Ricks
- a modern idyll by Mickie W Anderson
- (not on line, but suggested) booklet:Humanism by Barbara Stoker
- (not on line, but suggested) book:Humanism as the Next Step by Lloyd & Mary Morain
the American Humanist Association
The Humanist Community is a chapter of the American Humanist Association.
- here is their home page.
- here is their exposition of the Humanist Manifesto III.