This is a page of links to other websites related in some way to Humanism.
We are not affiliated with them, but they are related to humanism, so we are providing links to them.
§ : an organization which we actively support in some material way (money, goods, volunteers, etc).

Atheists of Silicon Valley

located, where else, in Silicon Valley

Ethical Culture Society of Silicon Valley


(SV) uCoR

Silicon Valley : United Coalition of Reason


Bay Area Russell Set (fans of Bertrand Russell) meeting in Palo Alto

Project Safety Net

... is a project of the City of Palo Alto.
local advertisement showing Communities of Compassion, Faith and Spirituality

SF Bay Area Humanist Social

meeting mostly in the South Bay

Recovering From Religion

(San Mateo, Santa Clara counties)
social support without religion

San Francisco Atheists

centered in the City

Center for Inquiry/S.F.

CFI’s official "meetup"
and unofficial "meetup"

Bay Area Skeptics

centered in the East S F Bay

Kol Hadash

Humanistic Judaism, centered in East S F Bay


Secular Humanists of Santa Cruz County

Humanists of Sacramento (HAGSA)

an energetic org

Humanists of the San Joaquin Valley

Humanist Fellowship of San Diego

an energetic org

National, International:

American Humanist Association §

our tutelary organization

AHA chapters; find by map

just click your state!

American Ethical Union

somewhat emphasizing ethics

International Humanist, Ethical Union §

ditto, international

IHEU’s Brussels Declaration

– of human values & rights

Humanist Institute §

emphasis on training Humanist leaders

Institute for Humanist Studies

news, other issues

IHS’s disaster relief §

e.g. Katrina, tsunami

British Humanist Assn.

the outlook from "this scepter’d isle"

Council for Secular Humanism

friendly rival to AHA

Church of Reality

respecting what is REAL

Secular Web

Internet Infidels Inc.

Freethought Debater

webzine of careful essays (claims to be politically conservative, but overwhelmingly nonpolitical)

Reality Matters

another reality site

Special focus:

International Darwin Day

the site most devoted to Darwin Day

Carry the Vision §

Community Nonviolence Conference (email for info)
Our H. C. is a registered participating organization.

Camp Quest §

for freethinker kids!

Secular Coalition for America §

national secular lobbyist

Secular Student Alliance §

organizing students nationally

American Civil Liberties Union

defending rights (popular or not!)

Americans United for the Separation of Church & State

many theists & nontheists working together

NPC: Establishment

National Paralegal College's analysis of Establishment Clause

Freedom From Religion Foundation

devoted to freeing everyone from (theist) religion


Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal; publishes Skeptical Inquirer

LGBT Humanists

Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (national)

Richard Dawkins site

Dawkins’s "official" site

World of Dawkins

topics related to Richard Dawkins and his philosophy

National Center for Science Education

focus on what’s happening in schools

Sweet Reason (nontheist advice)

like Dear Abby, but focused on nontheist problems and relying on reason and common sense more than "expert" pronouncements

AHA’s Humanists of the Year

Famous Humanists

(who explicitly claim Humanism)

Regional, USA:

Humanists of Houston

attractive website, strong org

Harvard’s Humanism

The Harvard Chaplaincy is proud of its view of Humanism


The Humanist

magazine of the AHA


magazine of – the Skeptics!

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