Consumer Debt, Corporate Profits and Stock Market Value – from 1950 to Present Day

Consumer Debt, Corporate Profits and Stock Market Value – from 1950 to Present Day

Martin Squibbs

May 11, 2014

martin squibbs
Before the 2008 financial shock and stock market crash, our speaker, Martin Squibbs (Humanist Community member and leader) had little knowledge or understanding of our monetary, financial and investment systems. Since then, he has tried to learn about these areas as best he can. During this process, he discovered that consumer debt growth (considering households and government as consumers) can contribute directly, with some delay, to corporate profits and so to stock market value. After analyzing the USA ‘s macro economic history from 1950 to the present day, he concluded this has very likely been the case in the USA to a significant degree since 1980. Thus, he suspects, as we reduce our unsustainable levels of consumer debt growth, it is likely that corporate profits, earnings, and stock market value will be substantially reduced.
Click here for a PDF of Martin’s Presentation

What is Occupy Now ?

What is Occupy Now ?

Derek Tennant

April 06, 2014

derekTennant-baldcrop2-modIn September 2011, the Occupy Wall Street encampment captured the public’s attention. Within months however, it faded from the mainstream media, and many think the movement has died. In this presentation, we will discover some of the ways the Occupy movement continues to bring change to our communities, including Strike Debt and Occupy Sandy . In this presentation, Derek Tennant will facilitate an “Occupy Experience”, based in part on his work as the Facilitator for several General Assemblies held by Occupy San Jose in 2011 and 2012.

To see Derek’s presentation, click here.

Humanist Community Forum (2014-04-06): What is Occupy Now? (Derek Tennant) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

The US Monetary System and the Present Financial State of our Economy

Martin Squibbs

Jan. 15, 2012

Martin Squibbs

Humanist Community member Martin Squibbs recaps (from his Nov. 13, 2011 Forum talk) his discussion of money as a measure of exchanged human value and an estimate of real wealth.  He will then seek to explain as simply as possible how the U.S. economy operates, based upon its fiat banking system, and review some of its 20th century history, in order to put its highly unbalanced state today in an historical perspective. Finally, he will consider the possible future paths it may follow to regain its balance, and some precautions we may ourselves consider in order to be prepared for such possibilities.